Coalitional Games: 联盟博弈

A coalitional game, also known as a cooperative game, is a game theory model where players form groups to achieve a collective goal. In a coalitional game, players form coalitions, or binding agreements, to strengthen their positions and act as a single entity. Coalitional games are different from non-cooperative games, where players cannot form alliances or agreements must be self-enforced.

联盟博弈,也称为合作博弈,是一种博弈论模型,其中玩家组成团队以实现集体目标。 在联盟游戏中,玩家组成联盟或具有约束力的协议,以加强他们的地位并作为一个实体行动。 联盟游戏与非合作游戏不同,在非合作游戏中,玩家不能结成联盟或协议必须自行执行。

Here are some key concepts in coalitional games:

  • Coalition: A group of players that form a binding agreement
  • Coalition value: The worth of a coalition in a game, which is denoted by the symbol (v)
  • The core: The set of payoff allocations that ensures no group of players has an incentive to leave their coalition
  • Shapley value: An efficient solution concept that is recommended for games with a low number of players

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