This script builds and installs the libblocksruntime library, a dependency for the libdispatch (also known as Grand Central Dispatch). Here’s a detailed breakdown:

1. Navigate to the Source Directory

cd ${WDIR}/blocks-runtime/
  • Changes the working directory to ${WDIR}/blocks-runtime/. ${WDIR} is likely a variable defined earlier in the environment, pointing to the base working directory.

2. Initialize Build Tools

libtoolize ; aclocal ; autoheader ; autoconf ; automake --add-missing
  • This sequence prepares the build environment for the libblocksruntime library:
    1. libtoolize: Prepares the source tree for libtool, which helps manage the creation of shared and static libraries.
    2. aclocal: Generates aclocal.m4 by gathering macro definitions, setting up the environment for autoconf.
    3. autoheader: Creates a template for config.h, used for platform-specific configuration.
    4. autoconf: Generates the configure script from, which customizes the build process.
    5. automake --add-missing: Generates and adds any missing auxiliary files (like install-sh or missing).

These steps ensure the project is ready for a standard ./configure && make build process.

3. Prepare the Build Directory

rm -rf build ; mkdir -p build ; cd build
  • rm -rf build: Deletes any existing build directory, ensuring a clean slate.
  • mkdir -p build: Creates a new build directory if it doesn’t already exist.
  • cd build: Changes into the build directory where the actual compilation will take place.

4. Configure the Build

CC="${MocCC} ${MocCFLAGS} -fcommon" CXX="${MocCXX} ${MocCXXFLAGS} -fcommon" \
    ../configure --prefix="${WDIR}/install/libblocksruntime" \
    --disable-shared --enable-static --with-pic
  • Sets the C and C++ compiler flags:
    • CC and CXX are set to ${MocCC} and ${MocCXX} respectively, along with their corresponding flags (${MocCFLAGS} and ${MocCXXFLAGS}), plus the -fcommon flag.
      • -fcommon ensures variables in multiple translation units are treated as common, improving compatibility with older codebases.
  • Runs the ../configure script with the following options:
    • --prefix: Specifies the installation directory as ${WDIR}/install/libblocksruntime.
    • --disable-shared: Disables building shared libraries.
    • --enable-static: Enables building static libraries.
    • --with-pic: Ensures position-independent code is generated, which is often required for static libraries used in shared contexts.

This step customizes the build for the specific environment.

5. Build and Install

make -j$(nproc) install V=1
  • make -j$(nproc): Compiles the source code using as many parallel jobs as there are available CPU cores ($(nproc)).
  • install: Installs the compiled library to the directory specified by the --prefix option in the configure script.
  • V=1: Ensures verbose output during the make process, which shows detailed compilation commands.

Key Outputs

  • The static version of the libblocksruntime library is built and installed to ${WDIR}/install/libblocksruntime.
  • Shared libraries are explicitly disabled to focus on creating static libraries for linking.


This script is part of setting up a dependency for a larger project, ensuring that libblocksruntime is built in a controlled and predictable way, customized for the environment.

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